Polythene Cover On Car Seats: 3 big reasons to keep foil on new car seats, Remove immediately

Remove polythene covers from car seats, Safety: The biggest reason for this is safety. You might have noticed that nowadays car companies are focusing on providing more airbags to ensure the safety of passengers. Now Hyundai has made 6 airbags standard in all its cars. These also have airbags on the seats. If you have not removed the foil from the seat, your safety may be at risk, as the foil cover on your seat may make it difficult for the airbag to deploy.


After this the next reason is related to comfort. If the seats are covered with foil, you don’t get much better comfort. Plus, when you sit on the foil, it tends to slide off. In this case, you may fall during hard braking or sudden turns, causing you to lose control of the vehicle. This may increase the chance of a concussion.

Harmful Gas

After this the next reason is related to your health. During spring, when the temperature is quite high, it rises much higher in the car cabin than outside. In this situation, the foil placed on the seat may heat up and release harmful gases, which can have long-term effects on your health.

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